Following up on a special message from the Founder of Wikipedia he asked what does Wikipedia mean to me. A poignant question that.
What is it? How does it work? What is it made of? Who is he? How many times have I had find out. I can always learn it at Wikipedia. Simple, to the point, I get what I need to know quickly.
I'm very willing to support Wikipedia as Wikipedia has very willingly supported me. Creative breakthroughs of magnitude have come to me in flashes of inspiration while using Wikipedia, so I can't praise it enough.
When you clear the meaning of words, get an understanding of the nomenclature, genius swells. Quite factually this fundamental learning releases intelligence.
Clearing up words related to Buckminister Fuller's Geodesic Dome a bright idea came to me and I found myself inventing a take off from Fuller's technology with a revolutionary architectural concept.
Doing an R&D on an electric vehicle invention I was following up the Wikipedia discourse and links regarding a mineral for an unique battery application something flashed on a technical parameter. I found myself on a wholly new R&D for another invention that just came to me, just reading Wikipedia. Now I am inventing a revolutionary new engine.
By the way, Wiktionary saved me a great deal of befuddlement when they posted the definition of Sarah Palin's "refudiate". I'm so glad we got that straight.
Since is Wikipedia is free and without advertising, and it is so valuable a source of knowledge, I gladly donate to it. Won't you?
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