
Monday, February 2, 2009

How About a Legacy?

by Robert L, Gisel

The post by Chris Guillebeau of Creating a Legacy Project strikes a familiar chord. I said:

"Hi Chris,
It's interesting to me I had just posted on my about creating Drive and it came out as, first you need to clarify your goals. This idea of a Legacy Project is a good way of putting it. Sometimes I think this morbid thought maybe I'm spinning my wheels only to have my most genius ideas realized after I've passed on. An army of remarkable followers is a good community to have in the here and now. I mean you wouldn't want to have an empty room at your wake!
All kidding aside, when you do something decide on a path and leap into the fray it always amazes me when I see how the physical universe starts to toe the line. Not that there aren't bumps and obstacles but the experience of having materialized something, a legacy, is a special creation.
I set up some larger legacy projects which take more than a few days to complete (I say tongue in cheek), but complete they do, a couple major plans completed (blogs, screenplays) and these others (Novel, EV Retrofit) coming along one of these days. I think my 'Take Hill 10' might be facilitated with more baby steps, like, 'Gather up the available ammo'.
Robt. (one of my legacies)"

The idea of a Legacy Plan is really intriguing. It puts out there the long view. It encompasses the idea that one is cause over the world well beyond oneself. So true, and so worth contemplating.

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