
Friday, December 25, 2009

Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men

by Robert L. Gisel

Those spiritual words, Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men, oft repeated characterize virtues we could use a lot more of around the globe.

It takes an abundance of trust and high ability to grant beingness to others, to always embrace the benevolence, generosity and greatness to rise above baser emotions that wear on one and taunt like response.

When you would seem to be egged into a needless confrontation you would be advised to have no fear, look it in the eye, take a deep breath, count to 10, or whatever works for you to not bite when bitten. Yet in the world there are insane enemies sometimes about that need to be rendered ineffective to harm. These are too often themselves the unrevealed culprits the politicos and their mad dog press try to foist off on us.

The men of goodwill, those who pursue life honestly and ethically comprise 80% or more of the entire populace. This is who keeps life tenable and the life force moving forward. The Holiday spirit reaffirms this. The Hope is it will last throughout the year.

May you embrace the causes of Peace and Goodwill and be of such import yourself reaping an abundant and prosperous New Year.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How About a Legacy?

by Robert L, Gisel

The post by Chris Guillebeau of Creating a Legacy Project strikes a familiar chord. I said:

"Hi Chris,
It's interesting to me I had just posted on my about creating Drive and it came out as, first you need to clarify your goals. This idea of a Legacy Project is a good way of putting it. Sometimes I think this morbid thought maybe I'm spinning my wheels only to have my most genius ideas realized after I've passed on. An army of remarkable followers is a good community to have in the here and now. I mean you wouldn't want to have an empty room at your wake!
All kidding aside, when you do something decide on a path and leap into the fray it always amazes me when I see how the physical universe starts to toe the line. Not that there aren't bumps and obstacles but the experience of having materialized something, a legacy, is a special creation.
I set up some larger legacy projects which take more than a few days to complete (I say tongue in cheek), but complete they do, a couple major plans completed (blogs, screenplays) and these others (Novel, EV Retrofit) coming along one of these days. I think my 'Take Hill 10' might be facilitated with more baby steps, like, 'Gather up the available ammo'.
Robt. (one of my legacies)"

The idea of a Legacy Plan is really intriguing. It puts out there the long view. It encompasses the idea that one is cause over the world well beyond oneself. So true, and so worth contemplating.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

How to Create Drive.

by Robert L. Gisel

(This blog is dedicated to the self development of qualities of genius.)

"1. DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long. They’re willing to give all they’ve got to a project. Develop your drive by focusing on your future success, and keep going." Dr. Barios

There is no better time than now to be an entrepreneur for one who is not allergic to work. With business layoffs of thousands and tens of thousands at a time making the news with increasing frequency more security is afforded to one who would follow his dreams in self employment.

Working ambitiously for today's corporate executives more often than not comes with the understanding that one will give his all, which usually includes many extra hours on evenings and weekends. When you look at it though, if you find yourself putting in 60-80 hours a week for your corporate boss you could put in the same amount of time working for your self with your own business with the prospect of much greater rewards.

This is not for one who is not a self-starter, has difficulty getting motivated or is simply lazy. At the same time, actively pursuing activities dear to oneself overcomes the lack of motivation that can come with enforcement to someone else's dreams. Following one's own goals creates a juggernaut of beneficial energy.

The reason that this vibrancy emerges from being on and working with one's purpose lines is as simple as how energy is produced within the laws of physics. A base that holds apart two poles, in proximity, with a difference of potential produces energy. The plus of operating from the stable datum of one's goal versus the unknowns of the problems to overcome in creation makes for endless energy creation.

A person without goals is hard to get to do anything for very long, but just as one can be enthused by a well done inspirational movie, creating along the lines that light one's bells endows a lot of life. Blunted reach or failed accomplisment, on the other hand can make one feel exhausted. Still the solution is to reafirme your goals. Start orienting your drive to that which gives you hope with several simple steps.

1) Ask yourself what do you really desire most in life?

2) What really lights your bells, what do you get excited about?

3 )Do your life activities align with this purpose?

4) What do you need to do to get more in swing with your purposes?

5) Get started doing that, even if only one small first step towards the goal.

Once you have established yourself in the right direction, setting tasks and pushing these through to a done comes more naturally. Achievement then begets happiness and the rehabilitation of life force aids success.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Does It Take To Be Focused?

by Robert L. Gisel

"3. DEVOTION TO GOALS. Geniuses know what they want and go after it. Get control of your life and schedule. Have something specific to accomplish each day."

To be focused one first have to have goals, long term, sweeping and star-high. The lessor activities in one's life should align with that.

Determining what your dreams are you only have to look at what you desire most to accomplish. From that you can decide what path will take you there, and thence the steps you need to take. This is what dictates sequential action, tells you the things you need to accomplish daily.

Write these down where you can refer back to these points and reaffirm your direction when needed. A useful tool is to keep a journal, blank but lined pages, that can always be to hand, not hidden away in a drawer or filing cabinet. Investing a few bucks in an inexpensive leather bound journal provides a nice record you'll always want to have handy. This does much to put in the needed organization.

Persistence to a goal requires keeping one's eye on the mountain one has to climb. A myriad of day by day actions with the goal in mind is what gets one there. Write down daily tasks to accomplish. Then be diligent and self disciplined in getting done the things you have listed. Determine how much time you will take and compartment your schedule accordingly.

Will power can never be underrated. Knowing where you're headed overall is necessary to focus.

Another related post: Be in Control, Take charge

To view all of the 24 Qualities That Genuses Have in Common go here.
