
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Imagination IS Genius

by Robert L. Gisel

I have come across an interesting blog post that set me thinking about an interesting aspect of genius as it pertains to art and artists. In this post of Patricia's Wisdom the point is the art and artists making sand sculptures.

No small feat I must say first of all. The one piece she took a picture of, 3 - 4 foot bear, is actually quite well done as a piece of art in it's proportions and detail. Considering the media making something of this size at all is remarkable let alone one that is very good sculpture.

Imagination, in all that I illustrated in my last post, IS genius even if observed manifested for only 3 hours duration of the production of an art piece. The aesthetic mind seems to draw on all of the 24 qualities though, not just imagination. It just struck me how this relates to art seeing Patricia's post and is what prompted me to comment:

"There is a bit of genius in every work of art, so the focus and dedication for several hours as you pointed out actually strikes me as a genius quality, is what stood out when I read your blog post."

Go check out her post and of course the bear picture here, and let me know what you think of it.